Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 3 of forever!

21 Days to a whole new you...? No, not really but I did read that it takes 21 days for your body to adapt to a new habit in Tricia's blog. She used this bit of information as a deciding factor for a lifestyle change and I am doing the same. I am going to eat healthy for 21 days and do some form of exercise every single day for those 3 weeks and see where I am at.

Today is day 3 of my 21 days. Does 3 weeks or 21 days sound better? I think 3 weeks. So today is day 3 of my 3 week challenge. My husband is doing it too but I think he is cheating. I have made a point to cook healthy dinners and make sure we both have healthy lunches for these 3 weeks and that we exercise every evening before we sit down to have dinner. I weighed 146 at the beginning of this challenge and I don't think that I am going to weigh myself till the end. I would like to be 130-135 ideally, not necessarily by the end of the 3 weeks but before the holidays would be nice. I am 5'4 so I think this is a realistic goal. If I get there and still am not happy with that weight, maybe I will shoot for more. Unfortunately it has been hard for me to lose these last 10-15 pounds or so. Hopefully this is the beginning to a healthier life style. I don't want to call it a diet, because it isn't. I am just being more aware of what I eat, making better decisions when I am faced with options, and seeing if in fact, by body "gets used to it." Labeling it as a "DIET" means that I will do it for some time, mess up by sneaking a dessert, and then give up all together after being frustrated with what the restrictions that I have. I don't want any of that to happen, therefor it isn't a diet. It is a pathway leading to a new me.

My problem is temptation. They were having a bake sale at school... BIG, YUMMY, brownies for only $1! And of course the proceeds went to a good cause. It took everything to NOT get that brownie... even after convincing myself that it was for a good reason, but I walked away. So I was very proud of myself! But then that seemed to be all I could think of! Why?? I have an obsession for food!! So hopefully after these 3 weeks, my thoughts might be different.... we will see!

I want to end with a picture.... but I don't have a full body shot to end with. I will get one soon but for now... here's a cute picture of my cowboy in his Halloween costume.

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